Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Translated from

After level 10 one of the first things you can do once you are a Daeva is to fly. This allows you to explore regions easily, extrude Odes and move around the Abyss. You can click the flight button on the lower right or press Page Up key to start flying (in certain areas). In flight restriction areas the icon’s color dulls. You can get information about your flight if you hover your mouse over the flight icon.

It is similar to when you are on the ground but you can ascend or descend with the ‘R’ and ‘F’ keys.
Page Up opens your wings and Page Down folds them. Press R to rise and F to lower yourself. Press the Space Bar to begin or end gliding.
Pay special attention to your flight gauge when flying. When you run out of your flight time you will plummet to the ground and it is never a pleasant experience. Make sure you carry some flight potions for emergencies. There is a 10 second cooldown after you open your wings. You lose HP once if you fall more than 10m and the amount you lose depends on how high you were when you fell. If you fall over 50m you are dead, no matter how much HP you have.

While jumping or falling from a certain height, you can begin gliding by pressing the Space Bar. You can glide every 10 seconds and can be used even in flight restricted zones. In order to descend press F or use your mouse to move by controlling the camera. In order to stop gliding press the space bar once more or Page Down key. If you wish to glide further press ‘R’ before landing.

Improving Flight
1. By completing your Abyss entrance quest you get a passive 33% increase in flight speed
2. Through equipment
3. Purchasing wings
4. Eating food
5. Using potions
6. Titles
7. Stones

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